Ep 024: “If you started over today…”

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Welcome to the 24th episode of The Author Hangout, a “Hangout on Air” designed to help authors, especially self-published and indie authors, with marketing their books and improving their author platform. Authors struggle with various aspects of marketing and we are here to help!

“If you had to start all over again today as an author, what would you do differently?”

“If you started over today…”

In every episode during Season 2, we asked every single one our guests this one question… “If you had to start all over again today as an author, what would you do differently?” We think this is an important question, because it really helps to dial in the most important things that authors should be doing.

We take a look back at all of the episodes from this past season, and the answer to that question from each of the awesome guests that we had.

The Author Hangout – Episode 24: “If you started over today…”

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All of the following guests give their answers to the question: “If you had to start all over again today as an author, what would you do differently?”

Hugh Howey,
Shari Stauch,
Sean Platt,
Alana Terry,
Shelley Hitz,
Heather Hart,
Nick Stephenson,
Angela Bole,
Joanna Penn,
Martin Crosbie,
Kimberly Martin,
and Jane Friedman.

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