Ep 145: “Million Dollar Book Business”

145 million dollar book biz featured

Welcome to the 145th episode of The Author Hangout, a podcast designed to help authors, especially self-published and indie authors, with marketing their books and improving their author platform. Authors struggle with various aspects of marketing and we are here to help!

Million Dollar Book Business

In this episode, Shawn shows you the entire setup to turn your book into a million dollar book business. No, it won’t happen over night, but Shawn lays out a solid plan that you can start taking the first steps on today.

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Free guide for authors: Getting Reviews For Your Book

Featured Quotes

“If you were to sell a million dollars of your $3 book and assuming that you get 70% margin on that then you’re going to actually have to sell 476,190 books. Crazy, right? The reality is though is that when you look at the value ladder you are able to enjoy the benefit of those initial set of subscribers that you’ve paid for and acquired. They actually pay for more and more than just the first product.”

“We have not done a great job as authors in really thinking through what exactly do our audience members want. What is the pain that they really desire? What is the desire that they have when they read our fiction books that would make them want to participate in a one day, three day, week long even at some luxury place? What is it that they really want? The reality is that we don’t do a great job at getting the big picture around the real desire and need for our audience. “

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