Ep 113: “Writing Faster, Marketing Smarter”

113 writing faster featured

Welcome to the 113th episode of The Author Hangout, a podcast designed to help authors, especially self-published and indie authors, with marketing their books and improving their author platform. Authors struggle with various aspects of marketing and we are here to help!

Writing Faster, Marketing Smarter

In this episode, we interviewed bestselling author and prolific writer, Sean Platt. He discussed where he is taking his publishing business, how you can write faster, and how you can market your books smarter.

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Featured Quotes

“Stop self-editing yourself would be my best suggestion. Be prepared when you get down to the keyboard, because a lot of people don’t know what to write or they take too long to write because they’re struggling over what to write. I don’t think those decisions for the most part should be battled against a blank page; you should be thinking about that before you start writing. I think most people confuse prewriting with actual writing.”

“Authors tend to be in a hurry. They’ve got one book out, they want to go get it, they want the world to read it and celebrate their genius. It’s just not as viable. It makes a lot more sense to be patient, to write the three books, and to put them all out. And be prepared. Like, you know you can write. It’s hard; people will create this book, and then they don’t know how to follow it up. Writing a book isn’t a finish line. It’s the starting gate for your career.”

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