Ep 123: “Author Answers: Social Media Engagement”

123 social media engagement featured

Welcome to the 123rd episode of The Author Hangout, a podcast designed to help authors, especially self-published and indie authors, with marketing their books and improving their author platform. Authors struggle with various aspects of marketing and we are here to help!

Author Answers: Social Media Engagement

In this episode, Shawn Manaher answers a great question about social media engagement from author Mike Stop Continues, in our popular “Author Answers” series. Shawn loves lists and he lists 4 great keys to proper social media engagement as an author.

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Featured Quotes

“Deep, not wide. Do “deep, not wide” until you can afford to do it all. That means if you are going to focus on social media, then I highly, highly recommend that you do not get on every single platform that is out there. What I do recommend is that you focus on one platform really strongly, get to know it, the way in which people talk on it, the way in which they engage, and the way in which they sell until that becomes a sustainable, profitable social platform for you. And then go on to the next one and the next one.”

“You must have a strategy that makes sense according to the genre of the book that you are writing in. What that might look like is that if you are a sci-fi writer and you are trying to profit from the social media lessons that we’re talking about, don’t just join any group of people on Facebook and begin to blast them with all the great social media posts that you have about “buy my book.” It does not work. What does work is doing this: creating a funnel. Moving people from traffic to connection to a list to selling.”

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