Ep 143: “Learning to Hack Learning”

143 hack learning featured

Welcome to the 143rd episode of The Author Hangout, a podcast designed to help authors, especially self-published and indie authors, with marketing their books and improving their author platform. Authors struggle with various aspects of marketing and we are here to help!

Learning to Hack Learning

In this episode, Shawn explores what it takes to take your author marketing skills to the next level: learning. He explores what holds people, probably even you, back, and what you can do to overcome that and make this year the best year yet in your business.

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Episode Resources:

Free guide for authors: The Ultimate Author Checklist

Featured Quotes

“Become a star student. Become a star student in everything that you do. A star student is somebody that reads, consumes and takes notes on the material that they are reading. They don’t passively engage in the books, the content, the audio, the courses, whatever, on the material. They are engrossed in it and they are really becoming a star student. They’re immersing themselves in it. What else does a star student do? They ask questions. Don’t just read the content that you’re looking at. Don’t just listen to this podcast. Ask questions. Try and understand more. Be curious, try and understand what you don’t know. In some ways take the position that you may not know as much as you think you know.”

“The three particular areas that I focused on was list building, Facebook Ads and productivity. List building, Facebook Ads and productivity. Each of the courses I took helped me tremendously to learn the key skills to drive results in the areas of list building, Facebook Ads and productivity. When it comes down to it if you were to focus on any of these in this next year, list building, Facebook Ads and productivity, focus on them all. I believe that you will see results quickly, even this month, this year definitely, if you become that star student.”

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