Ep 117: “Self-Publishing & Book Launches”

117 book launches featured

Welcome to the 117 episode of The Author Hangout, a podcast designed to help authors, especially self-published and indie authors, with marketing their books and improving their author platform. Authors struggle with various aspects of marketing and we are here to help!

Self-Publishing & Book Launches

In this episode, we had Chandler Bolt on the show again. He is a bestselling author and expert book marketer, and he shared some great insights about self-publishing, as well as some book launch strategies and tips.

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Featured Quotes

“A lot of people have come through Self-Publishing School. So it’s been a fun ride, and we’re still growing. Our ultimate goal is to put the publishers out of business and to show people that self-publishing isn’t just an option; it’s the best option. It’s not the red headed stepchild, the thing that you do when you can’t get a publisher. It’s actually the best, most viable option. We feel like that’s the change that we’re creating.”

“The whole concept is you want to make people feel like they’re seen behind the curtains of your red carpet premiere. What’s a red carpet premiere if you don’t have a red carpet? AKA, what’s a book launch if you don’t have an audience? For someone who doesn’t have an audience, there’s just no way around it: you’re going to have to hustle. You’re going to have to scrap for every piece of publicity that you get, every piece of attention that you get. So when you’re building buzz, I like to tap into existing social media if you have it. I realize not everyone has that. For me, that’s kind of my platform to just communicate with people.”

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