Ep 116: “Podcasting for Book Marketing”

116 podcasting book marketing featured

Welcome to the 116th episode of The Author Hangout, a podcast designed to help authors, especially self-published and indie authors, with marketing their books and improving their author platform. Authors struggle with various aspects of marketing and we are here to help!

Podcasting for Book Marketing

In this episode, we interviewed podcasting expert Ben Krueger. He shared great tips for authors on how you can use a podcast to catapult your author career, whether you are a fiction or nonfiction author.

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Featured Quotes

“What it comes down to is, particularly with authorship, a big need is to build a community around your authorship, whether you’re releasing a series of books or whether you’re releasing nonfiction books that are a little bit more business-oriented. What’s really important to build is that strong community around what it is you’re releasing as an author, because that can be the launch pad for your next thing; that can be how your existing book gets into the hands of more people through referrals. With podcasting, folks are really easily able to build a community around their brand, around their voice, around what message they have to share – and that can be very story-focused if it’s more of a fiction type of an author, or it can be more how-to or interview-focused if it’s the nonfiction type author.”

“So I think part of it comes down to what are you good at as an individual? Obviously we’re talking to writers here, but a lot of the folks out there are good speakers as well. So if you’re comfortable behind a microphone or if you’re comfortable telling people about your books or about the storyline of what you share in your books and that kind of stuff, podcasting has the potential to be a really strong platform for you from an ease perspective simply because that medium reflects your natural skillset.”

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