Ep 111: “Building Book Launch Teams”

111 book launch teams featured

Welcome to the 111th episode of The Author Hangout, a podcast designed to help authors, especially self-published and indie authors, with marketing their books and improving their author platform. Authors struggle with various aspects of marketing and we are here to help!

Building Book Launch Teams

In this episode, we’re joined by bestselling author and book marketer, Jesse Tevelow. He shared great insights about some of the struggles he has faced in self-publishing and book marketing, as well how to build launch teams to supercharge your book launches.

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“When I first put [my book] out, I had good uptake on the free launch that I did. I did a free launch on Amazon, and we can dig into more details on this, maybe if we do a follow-up call or something. But I did that, and I didn’t have many sales after it went to paid. Then one day it got picked up. I think it was just a matter of me pushing and pushing and going on podcasts and really trying to get my name out, and that’s when it started to click. I started to realize that this was an ongoing job. It’s not something where you put it out and hope it works; you’ve got to work at it. Everything you do on the periphery relates back. That was a big part of the first book, I think, having longevity and succeeding.”

“This is almost the core of why we’re building LaunchTeam, because you cannot do it by yourself. You need that support system. You need that group to bounce back off of, to give you that motivation and give you that inspiration and tell you you’re on the right track. I think the misconception oftentimes is that that can be your friends and family, but just to be honest with everyone listening, those people typically aren’t your target audience. If they are, you’re lucky.”

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