Ep 114: “Book Launches & Video Marketing”

114 book launches featured

Welcome to the 114th episode of The Author Hangout, a podcast designed to help authors, especially self-published and indie authors, with marketing their books and improving their author platform. Authors struggle with various aspects of marketing and we are here to help!

Book Launches & Video Marketing

We were joined by bestselling author Mimika Cooney. She shared some great insights about how to make your book launch even more effective, as well as how to use video to promote your book.

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Featured Quotes

“What I didn’t realize the first time round as a newbie author was that that is just the first part. Birthing that book, getting it written, putting it out there is one part, but it’s like releasing it in the woods and there’s nobody around to hear it. It’s kind of like there’s nobody there to buy it. What I’ve realized is just because we have this idea and we want to put it out there, the sort of “build it and they’ll come” adage doesn’t work anymore. We need to think like savvy, smart marketers, even if you’re an author, because you are in the business of marketing your idea.”

“… like when we release our book. We want to do a lot of the pre-work, the promotion, so that when your book
hits the shelf, you can become a bestselling author because you’ve had that many sales in a short space of time.
Just understanding the process that just writing the book and putting it out there doesn’t necessarily work. We need to treat it like an event.”

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