Updated: 11/17/2015
Thanks so much for guest posting on the Book Marketing Tools blog.
Here are some guidelines that help make expectations clear for everyone:
- Originality: Your posts should be original. We want to provide original content to our readers. Please submit content that has not been posted elsewhere.
- Length of Exclusivity: Guest posts that are submitted here should not appear anywhere else for 45 days after the day it is posted. After that, you can post it elsewhere, but please link back to the original post on our blog.
- Post Length: Your post should be a minimum of 400 words. The ideal range is 400-800 words. It can exceed 800 words, but consider breaking it into 2 guest posts if the length gets really long.
- Links: You are allowed two (2) self-serving links within the article and the bio at the bottom (total). This includes links to your website, affiliate links, etc.
- Images: If you include images in your guest post, ensure that you have the rights to use the image.
- Format: You can submit the guest post as a Word file (.doc, .docx), or as a plain text file (.txt) to [email protected]
- Right of Refusal: We do reserve the right to refuse any guest posts and you will retain the rights to any articles we refuse.
Thanks again for being a guest on our blog!